Thursday, June 10, 2010


Kitaro is credited by many to be the founder of New Age music. You have probably heard his music without realizing it. He has done soundtracks for the movie "Heaven and Earth" and for the world famous documentary "Silk Road". Kitaro looks exactly like what you might think a musical innovator would look like with gaunt Asian features with long flowing black hair and beard and mustache.

His music is heavy on keyboard and synthesiser but he utilizes drums, guitar, flute, vocals and a variety of other instruments. Consider him first a composer, director and instrumentalist and then a performer. His albums and concerts are rich, interesting and moving with a sort of vast ocean like quality that underlies most of his work.

He has done three albums about the the monk who brought Buddhism to Japan. The three albums are called "The Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai" of course one, two and three. For me these are his best but not his only. Many would say his soundtrack for "Silk Road" is the masterpiece of his career. Enjoy the following video. This is not his worst or best but it is typical Kitaro.

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