Monday, April 5, 2010

The Alchemist, a fable by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a book about Santiago a young shepherd who lives in Spain. Originally at the seminary studying for the priesthood he could not find God in school and books so he became a shepherd so he could travel and learn. One night he had a dream about finding a great treasure near the pyramids in Egypt, this dream led him to begin his journey which led him to North Africa near Spain and then on to Egypt. Along the way he is helped by a mysterious King, a Silver Merchant and finally by the Alchemist himself.

The Alchemist is a minor character who appears in the later part of the book. One may wonder why such a minor character has the book named after him. I think the answer is found in the fact that the work of the alchemist can involve the changing of common metals say lead into gold, this is considered a metaphor for changing the self and becoming a deeper and more meaningful person. So in the person the work of the alchemist is to change the person from common moribund and doomed to exquisite, life giving and eternal. What this book is really about is not adventure and treasure but the adventure of self discovery and the transformation of the self.

This book is a wonderful allegory and is best read with the wide eyed wonder of the child.

I hope you enjoy it.