Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Arrogance Of Golf And Other George Carlin Insights

The fact that I have Buddha quotes and George Carlin quotes on the same blog may seem a bit well, disrespectful. But the truths these too men uttered are not so different. Now to start with Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha's real name, was a great religious leader who has changed the world and George Carlin was an often vulgar comic who has made me change my pants because of stress incontinence, they both do have some small things in common. The Buddha said in a compassionate voice that permanence is an illusion. Carlin rails in a sort of in your face "F" you voice that man is very good at telling himself lies. Both are pointing out in very different ways that we are suffering in darkness.

Carlin pointed the darkness out with wit and raw humor. In some ways that makes him more accessible. One funny monologue talked about the "Arrogance of Golf". He pointed out what an arrogant game it is that takes up hundreds of acres of land to hit a ball the size of a large walnut into a hole the size of a small coffee can that is two to four hundred yards away. He talked about the "stupid diseases" we have here in the United States. We are so rich we have diseases like anorexia, obesity, bulimia, this that and the other addiction. He talked about how bleeding hearts really didn't care about whatever causes they were working on but that they were afraid of being inconvenienced in the future by global warming, aids, poverty, starvation and so on. Often after talking about these things he proposed a solution the the problem at hand. For instance anorexia, "rich b doesn't want to eat. "F" Her!!!!! Fact is that is his answer to most of life's problems. "F" em...... I guess that is where he and the Buddha part ways. I hope you enjoy the following clips.
George Carlin Fat People

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