Saturday, August 22, 2009

Disney World for the Mind

When I was in High School I played trumpet in the concert band. During my junior year I was excited to learn the band would be going on a trip to Florida. We would give concerts at different venues and of course there was a visit planned to Disney World. We spent a Tuesday at the park and I spent the whole day enthralled. From the first topiary of a Ivy Dragon undulating through the lawn to the fireworks that night I was in an imaginary world and I let myself forget about reality for the whole day. I let the Pirates of the Caribbean ride and the Flying Teacups be my reality. A few years later I discovered a Disney World for the mind. The Disney World of sleep and Lucid Dreaming.

It all started when I started nursing school and between study and work I was very busy and very stressed. One night I fell asleep on the sofa and started to dream. In my dream I saw an old wooden door with pealing green paint. As I looked at that door I seemed to have made the conscious realization that I was dreaming. That is to say I was asleep and dreaming but my conscious mind woke up in the dream and became aware of the process of dreaming. I immediately decided to test out this awareness. I decided to make my father come through the door. I knew he was over 300 miles away at the time and the only way he could come through that door was for me to be in a dream. I thought it and it happened. I said hi, then I turned to look around the room and the dream ended. I had had my first of many Lucid Dreams.

Interestingly enough the next night I dreamed of the same wooden door. I immediately knew I was dreaming when I saw the door. This time I had a beautiful woman come through the pealing green paint. OK not the most noble thing to do but my dream self was smiling ear to ear. Over the next several months I flew (my favorite lucid dreaming activity), I visited famous people both present and past, I talked to angels and demons, I met dragons and pirates.

I had discovered Disney World in my mind and it was more real than the theme park could ever be because this dreaming was a part of me and my mind. It was and is amazing.

Think of the possibilities. Being able to participate in any activity, talk to any person, confront any situation. I continue to lucid dream to this day .

My next post will have tips for having lucid dreams.

1 comment:

  1. i would love to read on the tips coz i would love to try lucid dreaming myself. sounds very interesting.JR
